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The Rock Candy Inquiry (Part 1): Supersaturated Solutions

The Rock Candy Inquiry (Part 1): Supersaturated Solutions

Niveau d'aprentissage
1er à 6e
Cahier de l'élève
Nom de l'élève :
Date :

The Rock Candy Inquiry (Part 1): Supersaturated Solutions

Initial Ideas and Hypothesis







  • Per  student:
    • Science journal
    • 1 wood skewer 
    • 1 clear jar
    • 1 spoon
    • 250ml water 
    • 1 bag of sugar
    • Additional sugar for coating 
  • Per team of 4: 
    • Scale
    • 3 large sheets of paper 
    • Markers


  • Step 1: Take a large glass jar and place it onto a clear surface.
  • Step 2: Take 1 wooden skewer and 1 clothespin, then clip the clothespin to the wooden skewer so that the wooden skewer hovers inside the glass about 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the bottom of the glass. Remove the skewer and the clothespin from the glass and leave aside.
  • Step 3: With guidance from your teacher, pour 250ml of water into a kettle and bring the water to a boil (this will take approximately 3 minutes)
  • Step 4: Once the water is boiling,transfer the water to your jar and add the first interval of sugar. Stir until the sugar dissolves. 
  • Step 5: Slowly continue adding more sugar at intervals of your choosing while stirring each addition of sugar until it disolves. Once no more sugar will dissolve in the water let it cool for 20 minutes.
    • Be sure to write how much sugar is being added to the mixture in your journals.
    • Also note how many times you added sugar.
  • Step 6: Once the solution is cooled, submerge the skewer into the jar assuring that it hangs down without touching the edges.
  • Step 7: Allow the jar to cool fully and leave it in a clean area. 
  • This procedure is now complete. ?

Initial Models

Unsaturated Solution

Saturated Solution 

Supersaturated Solution



Notes and Observations


What I am doing?

What am I observing?

Claim, Reasoning and Evidence





Cahier de l'enseignant

The Rock Candy Inquiry (Part 1): Supersaturated Solutions


















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