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Liquid Density

Liquid Density

Fait par Sabrina Bello
Students will explore different kinds of liquids and determine why some sink to the bottom and some float to the top. Students will investigate how each liquid divides in different layers and remains separated. Students will form hypothesis and come to a conclusion based on their data collected.
Cahier de l'élève
Nom de l'élève :
Date :

Liquid Density



Why do some liquids sink to the bottom and some float to the top? How does each liquid stay separated in the beaker and why?

Initial Ideas

By looking at the liquids presented infront of you, draw or write your predictions in terms of which liquid will sink to the bottom and float to the top.

Why do you think so? 

Now that you have felt the texture of the liquids, have your predictions changed? If so, draw your new predictions and explain why. 




  • Glass cylinder
  • Water (1/4)
  • Vegetable oil (1/4)
  • Dish soap (1/4)
  • Rubbing alcohol (1/4) 
  • Melted honey (1/4)
  • Blue food coloring (1 tbs)
  • Red food coloring ( 1 tbs)
  • 5 bowls 
  • 1 spoon 
  • Apron
  • Copy of the handouts
  • Pencil and colours


1. Measure 1/4 a cup of each liquids into and seperate in different cups.

2. Pour the honey in the center of the glass cylinder and let it sit for 30 seconds

3. Pour the dish soap in the center and let sit for 30 seconds

4. Add red food coloring to the water and mix. Pour the water while tilting the glass cylinder and let sit for 30 seconds. 

5. Pour the vegetable oil while tilting the glass cylinder and let sit for 30 seconds. 

6. Add blue food coloring to the rubbing alcohol and mix it. Pour the rubbing alcohol while tilting the glass cylinder and let sit for 30 seconds. 


Draw a picture of what your glass cylinder looks like with labels of the liquids.

Were your predictions correct? If not, what was wrong?  


Claim (this answers our investigation question) 

I think... 

Evidence (this is the data from our investigation that supports our claim)

I think this because I have seen or done?

Evidence 1:

Evidence 2:

Evidence 3: 

Reasoning (this is the scientific idea that helps us explain why our data counts as evidence) 

  The science idea or principle that helps me explain this is: 

Applying your knowledge : what would happen if? 

1) We added soda to the glass cylinder? 

2) We did not tilt the glass to pour some of the  liquids? 


    Cr1 Description adéquate du problème. Une hypothèse doit inclure une justification Formulation d'une explication ou d'une solution provisoire

Cahier de l'enseignant

Liquid Density











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